Monday, December 21, 2009


The technology called MP3 has changed the way consumers purchase their favorite music. Companies sell music, and musicians market songs using the technology, directly to consumers, without involving agents, recording companies and distributors. You need a special recording device to download your favorite songs into your computer. Consumers are able to store music on home computers or on a portable music player, such as iPod. CEO's of music industries start worrying about his phenomenon. They are afraid of getting a reduction from their initial shares. The Recording Industry of America Association (RIAA) warns that many illegal copies of some artists' work are going around, and they are suing some of the internet users who downloaded music for free, especially through peer-to-peer networks. The RIAA is concerned for the artists and the royalties they lose because of this technology. The artists, consumers, and record companies all can get a pretty good consensus about this technology if they will be more imaginative about how they sell music. The old days of buying CDs are almost gone.

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